Do You Know How Chinese Herbal Medicine Developed? | AC Punc Acupuncture

How did Chinese Herbal Medicine develop?

If you want to express Chinese herbal Medicine (Kampo) characteristics in one word, “variation” would be perfect because Kampo is diverse and diverse in many ways.
- Chinese herbs are a combination of various herbal medicines
- Eliminate or relieve various symptoms with one formula
- Different Chinese herbs are used according to the condition and constitution of the patient.
- There are two types of Chinese medicine. One works immediately after taking, and the other works by continuing to take it.
- Even for the same illness, the Chinese herbs used different formulas depending on the symptoms or severity.
Some people may have the image of Chinese medicine as a medicine that works for chronic diseases, but a medication improves the constitution. It does not work unless you take them for a long time.” Indeed, Chinese medicine has such an aspect. But that’s not all. Here is a story.
A Story about the Chinese Medicine
At the end of the Edo era, US Admiral Perry arrived. It was a Chinese herbal medicine that helped the “American flu” (now called influenza) brought in Japan. We are not sure which Chinese herbs he had prescribed, but we use Chinese herbs such as “Ma Huang Tang” for influenza, and their effectiveness has prooved in modern medicine.
In addition to influenza, Chinese herbs may be used with the expectation of immediate effects. For leg cramps, a Chinese herb called “Shao Yao Gan Zao Tang” is adequate. If you have gastrointestinal problems such as stomach upset, stomachache, or abdominal bloating, you should try “Liu Jun Zi Tang.”
Western medicine focuses on the name of the disease. In Kampo, we do not look at the body locally but consider the mind and body as one and make a comprehensive diagnosis. In other words, the prescription differs depending on the person’s constitution with symptoms, etc. And since Chinese herbs contain multiple ingredients, they can be expected to be effective on numerous symptoms.
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Sayonara till next post.
About Author: Satoru Ozawa — Doctor of Oriental Medicine, an acupuncturist, and a Chinese herb specialist.
Originally published at on March 12, 2021.